Sometimes u
find urself in a relationship that doesn’t deserve u
U approach
the limitations
U pass them
And then of
course it fails u like u knew it would
That is ur
own attachment to ur impression of how the other person should be
Not to fail
And then they
It goes both
ways I believe
U also fail
the other person in ur own way
If the break
up is mutal
In my case I
see that I blame myself for knowing all that and still lettin it unfold until
it does
I m sure
there were good moments
I m sure I
got something out of the relationship
I made
myself disposable to the other person too
Very yogi
unappreciated very often
It s just
humbles me
fascinating life is
U win some u
lose some
Stay with
the feel
This is just
u in special moments
And u always
had good moments with the people u break up with
It s fine
It s hard to
remember and hard to forgive but u know they r there
And I m sure
they were worthit
And I m sure
they were more than the bad moments
U decide
where to draw the line and for which particular reasons
It s fair
It s hurtful
When it s a
boyfriend it s kinda standard I guess
Or is it
When it s a
soulmate u kinda devastated
Things don’t
last tho
The worse
depression can last for hours
But we re here
and we r though it and we r all alive
Is it too
heavy on a Sunday
Bank holiday
Monday 2 5 16