Tuesday, 12 December 2017


So then
With the this and the that
I wonder
What s it like
Bein u
A birthday present
Of u and me
I can give u me
Can u give me u
Am i presdictable
Would i disappear
In ur appetite
Would u disagree
On the surface of things
Would u like to marry
Unwrappin ur xmas present
Ahh funny
English people try9in to do something
Go to buy a pair of scissors
A pair buy a pair
Buy a pair
Buy a pair
Ge a pair
I m smiling at u
Party animal
Ur all so English
U persevere
But u also treat urselves like shit
Ur inability to demand
Fulfil ur needs
Phrase them
Maybe that s why we r here
I made a point last nite* i said
That s how the system works
I said
Is it too Hard
U r not complaining and u keep doing it
How am i to know
If u all stopped
This is how the system works
Cos u keep doin it
If u all stop
I ll be out here
On my own
Shouting obscenities
Hash hash make me proud
Do me proud
Or just
Do me
12 12 17
It s like that
Smartasf of the year

*while i was teaching my Pilates class

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

god that was a fuck

Or was it
Swallow hard
Do u doubt it
Do u ever go god that was a good meal
And then some
And shit urself
And slip
And fall
And break ur hip
It all leads up
there s a climax
I ll get a boyfriend
And a dog stick with the ball
Im in the right angle for that door stop blwing
This girl
Born to oblivion
And the cryin women
And the dude
Close the fuckin door
That would be a sign in my café
Actually it has to shut itself
And u can t say nigger
He s lookin for a shit
A seat
It s all very complicated
Im that annoying woman
Smiling and typing and looking and going
Im not really smiling
And u don’t really work here
U d be sacked
In a million years
Learn to follow the rules
Thank fuck someone shut the door
Thank you
To doulapi
12 4 17

I must hate people.
I don’t hate them im still judging them
I mean what makes me think I can look at this couple like that
I don’t know
I could justify it that s the problem
And I do look at them
And the other one
Im a comedian and a clown
A social experiment
Or I monitor the other one that s happenin around me
For it is interesting
U can t deny that
It s more shoreditch
I mean who can deny the social experiment shoredithc is
Or east London
Or hackney
Or hackney wick
It s not the post codes
It s the coherence
The curiosity
The end of
Hand weaving workshops
Why and why needs it
I mean
Have we sorted all our other problems
Or it s not like us to solve them
It s not for us
I disagree with the latter
And the former is just a statement
Is the truth
Is the real state of affairs
In this age
I just feel like doin something more
Than just sleeping and eating
And contributing to the mess
It takes something more
It s ourconsciousness
These two ladies
Walk into a shopirritates me
Don’t close the door behind them
What do they think is gonna happen
Close the fuckin door
Shut the fuckin door u bitch
Why am I so angry
I just had a fuck
A spectacular fuck
It annoys me all the same
I glow and I m super detatched
It still
It irritates me
Is it the control I wanna exercise over the people
Is it the order
Am I hitler
Would I specify
We ve all walked into a shop and not watched the door behind us
But who does it consistently
That is my target audience
Or shhhhshhs
Directly above there s a train station
Is it fear  I wanna exercise
I believe in fear
As a tool
He fucked it up
He brought it near
Is like a cock
About to ejaculate
And boom
U stop
Equally frustrating
U gonna close the fuckin door
Or u doesn’t
Who s gonna give into the belief that the door itself should be shut
Let s start from there
And since there is no direct mechanism employed by the gods
The gods of technology
An all
It s u
My dear friend
Shut the fuckin door
Or u get shot
See is that fear
Or is it fair?
To the people
The continent
Ur country
U cunt
And whatever else u believe in
12  4 17
Yet again

Sunday, 5 February 2017

t2 anal isis

It s political
It s topical
It s never the same
It s tryin too hard
It s the references
It couldn’t be the same without u
And u can never exist without a beginning
It is like a soap opera
It could go back
That s what I thought
And that s what it did

To an extend it would have been a much better idea to have the characters as children

Ye cos as adults they r all the same
We r not interested
We were in it for the drugs
And the conversations
It s a bit like all in ur head
Was it all in ur head

So I just watched trainspotting
Here is what I have to say
Cos u wanted to know
And oh I had pasta J

So where were we
We could throw a bit if tarantino in I though
So what happened
The money went to the chick
I mean seriously
To a brothel in Bulgaria
I mean if u wanna be cynical
U can

I rather enjoyed it I believe

I mean spud
Who would have slag off spud
But I did
In that first scene

I love spud
We walk the same
We r both actors

There was a bit of acting
That s all I m sayin
My criticism
I don’t even know why
Maybe when people become actors
They become better actors
And then they lose it
Just like heroin
There was no need for that kill
I m justsayin

Call it heroin two

And danny boyle
Thanking us
It was a conspiracy disorder
It was all right but
We all knew
What we d done
I ll state the obvious
We made them
And they wanted to give something back
U can t serve us the wrong soup
U can treat us to a meal
The soup will never taste the same
In the desirt
When ur hungry
And u wanna dip into a steak
I made my point
As a vegetarian/..
It was all right
Go make ur own soup
And share it here