Sunday, 5 February 2017

t2 anal isis

It s political
It s topical
It s never the same
It s tryin too hard
It s the references
It couldn’t be the same without u
And u can never exist without a beginning
It is like a soap opera
It could go back
That s what I thought
And that s what it did

To an extend it would have been a much better idea to have the characters as children

Ye cos as adults they r all the same
We r not interested
We were in it for the drugs
And the conversations
It s a bit like all in ur head
Was it all in ur head

So I just watched trainspotting
Here is what I have to say
Cos u wanted to know
And oh I had pasta J

So where were we
We could throw a bit if tarantino in I though
So what happened
The money went to the chick
I mean seriously
To a brothel in Bulgaria
I mean if u wanna be cynical
U can

I rather enjoyed it I believe

I mean spud
Who would have slag off spud
But I did
In that first scene

I love spud
We walk the same
We r both actors

There was a bit of acting
That s all I m sayin
My criticism
I don’t even know why
Maybe when people become actors
They become better actors
And then they lose it
Just like heroin
There was no need for that kill
I m justsayin

Call it heroin two

And danny boyle
Thanking us
It was a conspiracy disorder
It was all right but
We all knew
What we d done
I ll state the obvious
We made them
And they wanted to give something back
U can t serve us the wrong soup
U can treat us to a meal
The soup will never taste the same
In the desirt
When ur hungry
And u wanna dip into a steak
I made my point
As a vegetarian/..
It was all right
Go make ur own soup
And share it here