Sunday, 17 November 2024

there s nofin wrong with i


As long as you lead by egsample

So i

I was sayin


There was a time I taught yoga in a class

The class was pilates



The thing is was

I said to the pple if it s too hard don’t do it=- tell me

If you don’t do it

Then I ll be just

A crazy man in a room

Movin their arms and legs


So democracy

By the time we all agree to the fundamentals

Which are

No kids must die

We should all have food


Do we agree



So if we agree

That we just agreed

Then this isn’t democracy



So back to the classroom

We r just a bunch of pple

Doin six hundred pushups

Some of us die


17 11 24

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

how not to do edinburgh fringe

 maria tea

how not to do edinburgh fringe
1. dont come here with ur phone not workin ie no wifi. dont top up again and again asking friends to top it up from greece- then realise when u get back in greece in september that u had ur mobile data off.
2. dont make flyers on time. dont try to make them when ur there when u just get so overwhelmed that ur skills that sucked before now suck further. dont copy paste cos it will show u something from previous years. it s called magic
3. dont fuck ur friends- 
4. dont know who u are. u are who u are and we r all capable of anything. would u suck someone off till they made u a flyer- yes. embarassing
5. dont know who to be. no problem. just be who u be. i am now sat in a sofa- trying to relax from what felt like an early stroke navigatin canvas- 
i had a canolli for two pounds- fair. now i m middle class- back in my seat
6. dont shit urself. that said- dont wear a onesie before ur show cos u may not make it in time. 
7. dont cry. hahaha. that made me laugh.

my show - clownfish- is at burrito n shake every nite 23 15 but wednesdays- part of pbh free fringe