Friday, 27 February 2015


Fourteenth of February
Ninety seventy seven
Wasn’t born
Wasn’t bored
Of the valentines day
You can fuck yourself
I fuckin wish I had a boyfriend
I fuckin wish I had a boyfriend
One day a year
This day
A year
I will fuckin fuck someone
For the fuck of it
Cos it s falentines day
And I ll do it without a condom
In the hope to catch
Aids, chlamydia and schizophrenia
All at once
Maybe I should go to la
El ei
El ei
Obama bin laden
With the this and the that I wont be allowed
In el ei
Who knows
Who gives a shit
I m angry
And hungry
I don’t know what I want
And what I need
I don’t need anything
I believe
I want a hug
And a shag
Like I always wanted
Somethings don’t change
Some things just bare alive
Like a motherfucker
Let see
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Thursday, 26 February 2015

he did say

The interenet s a bit tempremental he said
His advice didn’t suit me and I pretended not to listen
My initial reaction was let s go
But I
Am here now
Yes he said
It could be like
Those condoms are a bit old
Sure I ve heard that one before
Guess what
I m a Buddhist I m not a writer cos now I m writing for people that s why cherries was good and nothing ever will
Its poetry
If anything
Its survival
Its dismay
It s disloyal
It s dismount
Mountain bike
In London
Its ok and I ll never work again
Have no boundaries
Yes you could say it worked
In retrospective
Not so fast
Lets just say
Deadline is tomorrow
And from next week I start promoting
Fuck yes
That s my job
Promoting my book
I m gonna come
I get butterflies on my belly
And later a little wave of excitement
Its nice in here
It s winter in lodon fields
Its whre things happen
This familiar view
Butterflies again
In this very sqhare hundred meter lets say I ve experienced a wide range of emotions
Ohhh man
The guy just came and said to me
About the internet if it works and I said yes kind of
And he said get my managers
And password beetroot
Fuck innit
Life is what u make of it
I gave it a chance
And won
And I did my yoga this morning and my art and my this and my that
And yes I feel spoilt
I feel too good
Super happy
And content
And I feel I m doing things right
And things are changing and they are moving on and moving past and moving forward
And staying here
Once again
It s forever
It s the beautiful flowers on my table
It s a piece of cheese
For u to want reality check it s prana
It s rich in prana
Everything is
This place
I ve grown up over here in this park
I remember crying of relief thinking I m already with my therapist for a couple of years
And with xxx
Having to confront reality
Or at least analyse it
Detatch from it
Make my own
There was never anything wrong with detatchment
It s just wrong isn’t it
I was born detatched
I detached in my mum s tummy for a bit
I was inwardly independent
I mean we had to co exist
It wasn’t an attempt to leave
It was an attempt to survive

Without her
How funny
And I kind of did
Life is just too funny if you really think of it
It s too funny to comprehend
All these crazy senarios and coincidences
They are hard to believe
The chances
Apparently are the same
Its all maths
The impossible
The three kids that just walked in

And the three mums
I m no writer by the way
I write
I m a buttist
Short of Buddhist
Ah this child is so sweet
It s just the creating of a new one that makes me kinda sad
In a sence
That this lucky child blah blah
Xxx just rang
Fine innit
I like xxx
It s a typical egsample of detatching from a situation
I always had the ablity to appreciate someone besides or despite of the situation
Deep down
In my heart
And I d always got to conclusions of the person in a situation
I m thinking of someone else now
It s because of what follows after
It s ok
It s fine
It s the looking down I appreciated the next time I bumped into this woman
She couldn’t look at me in the eyes which I found very nice of her
And I could which was really a result of our earlier interaction
I can
And you cant
And this is what we live like
I m sorry
And you are not
Up to now
I ll just try to write for the sake of it and listen to mummies with stripy tops
I ll throw them away
I swear
It s nothing wrong it s just when I wear it I realise everybody else wearing them
And it s disconcerning
U like to be different
Got to go now
Are u bored
I look like a writer I m a bit self conscious
I m working J
Fuck off
In my corner with my radiator and my radiant personality
And my beautiful skin
Glowing after yoga and sleeping with the mind resting in the higher self
Shut up!!!
I cant
I m smiling with this air of happiness and it s all fine
And it is
I don’t know is it
It must be
I cant care for the bailiffs that are after me- the water that is now over a few thousand quid
The creation cunts after my laptop
I mean really
Posessions posessions
They can try again
Cant take my glow
That s for sure
But I do swallow hard
And cant help but thinking
I need to sort it out
Or do i
Do i
U d say u do
Do u
I mean
Ok maybe a little
But really only a little
And it ll be fine
It s like I can see the head !!
It s the final push
Do it babes
And it ll be hard again in twelve years
Teenagehood and menopause
And anyway I wonder had I not made that statement would that have been obvious
This is my problem with writing
For the world
It s that
And I m working on that
This bit isn’t all that
It s kinda an exercise
An experiment
Of pretension
And pre tense
And pre tensiousness
And loving warm feelings of walnuts
Of walnut
Of wall going nuts
Of this and of that
Of you and me
For ever and ever moraki mu
Stop following me
Stop it
Fuck you
10 10 13
I write about writing

Monday, 23 February 2015

conversation with mum

Heroin is so passe
Is it?
So it goes
I m judging she says
And she s right
She s wrong of course
I m judging but I understand
I get it
It s in the eye of the beholder
I hold a view
Let s say
And I apply it
But it s not like that is it
I see fuckin neurosis and psychasthenia
I m supposed to take this as a norm
But it aint
It never has been
Dear family
Lovely retards
I am terribly tired
Of your inability to exist
Without me
You are a burden
You got to get ur shit together
And understand
We exist outside of each others pockets
We really have to let be
And let go
It s intrusive
I don’t like it
It s guilt
Its passed onto generations
And its all about you
My dear family
Your unresolved issues with your anscestors
And you know what
I should take that money
And run
Cos u give me guilt
Guilt unresolved
And u interrupt my thoughts
Even now
You do don’t you
You just did
You said
Did you say anything
I mean it s hilarious
I get it
It s just
You know
It s not just
And the money is not enough
But they could take me to heaven
They could take me abroad
Home and away
It s like that
I mean
Like there s no tomoro
I m listening
Lets just hope
Lets just say
I bow to u
And what may come under
Accept ur ancestors for what they are
Say what u have to say
But still
Like there s no tomoro
And dance

Thursday, 19 February 2015

the deeply asleep people

The innocent
The dumb cunts
Am  judging
Do I know too much
The optimists
The not depressed
The ones that call this democracy
Their idea of democracy
Their right to share/ air their opinions
Their assholes
The only baad thing about democracy is that they are not dead
And that s a problem by default
The democracy of today is that we want enough dump people to sustain it
To remain silent
And baffled not
And unaware
And convinced that this is democracy
And protest when the price of cheese and when they r not or are allowed to wear burkhas
And think that cos they don’t wear burkhas theyr free to choose
And go on a buttox retreat
And chop their vaginas in half in Harley street
Cos theyr free to choose their own jeans size seven
Lovely people
The innocent shit
The winners of the winnie competition
The re s no tomoro for these shit
For you
Can u believe it- ozzie accent
The this and the that
The cats
The wise cats
The fat cats
They wear all stars
Ohh with the uk flag
Cos theyr punk!
Ah it is sickly and painful and violent really
Buttoning up my shirt regardless
I am not going to argue
I m having a drink with you
You are talking about the price of cheese
I can t afford this food
I should be getting paid to live with you dump mother fucker
I am doing you a favour existing in this new planet
I would kick you out
Am I sorry
I m sorry you became so dump
There s no return
I m sorry your brain is mashed covered in cheese
I m sorry ur dick disappeared
I m sorry for u and ur family and your golden fish
I am genuinely sorry
I could have killed u when u died
I m terribly sorry
I ll try
I ll try to manipulate my spirit and my heart rate
I ll try to raise above it
I ll try not to ask you about democracy
I ll try not to faint with ur idea of democracy
I ll try not to cry there s no tomoro
Because of u
Dumb mother fucker
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