Friday 25 November 2016

are you still in love with me

At times
When no one else has treated me like shit in.. a million years
Mm how do u deal with that
- is it a sitcom
Okay come here
The misunderstanding
The negativity
The stress
I ll be a hooker
It s the only one thing that makes sense
How stupid and how obvious
And xyz will be my pimp
And we ll be fine\
And I ll be in love to xxx
That s how a beautiful/ busive relationships start
So what is what
If u want to abuse beauty
Get a job as an ekskafeas
Ekskafeas metaforon
I don’t know
The girl above
I was jealous
She s like what did u expect
If u went round u d be getting thirty an hour here thirty there
U play on that
The world
The reality
As it is
U dwell and that somehow gives u the right to continue
No fuck off
Create ur own reality
Create ur own rules
Don’t be an animal
Let urself be
Swallow hard
Be free
U want to offer me that much yes but don’t try to justify it
I ll say no because of principle
That s beauty
That s stupid
Might have been
Me havin that conversation with u might have been stupid
Follow ur heart it says
I can commit to a month in London
See it through
See it failing
It could be fine
As long as
I live for free
I have food
I train
And I write my book
Then meet an agent on January
And make it work
Make it happen
It s the project
The by product
Then I ll be fine
I can deal with that
Be in London once a week
On a Saturday
Lose my soul for eighty quit
I ll rub it in my ass and my vagina
Call it a day
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