Sunday 5 May 2019

its all about needs bein met

so if my friends idea for aesthetics includes shaved armpits
i can either
keep my arms down
wear a tee shirt
or somehow offend his sensitivities
i need my skin to be happy under my armpits
i need them to be matchin my hairy nipples
it s a tricky one
so i was thinkin
men have un shaved armpits
but they hardly ever wear sleevless tops
so society has somehow excluded this view
apart from when ur at the beach
when im at the beach im fine with my armpits
aesthetically i feel that perhaps im not ready to confront the sensitivities of millions
one way would be to chop my arms off
but then i couldnt type
or take my dog for a walk
or mastrubate
each other
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